周華健 autograph session
today...had a last minute 冲动 go down to IMM to attend 周華健's autograph signing session..didn't want to go down at first cause i have to go my grandma's place for dinner and scared I may be late...but today...suddenly just had the urge to go...lol..
u see..i bought the tickets yesterday...2 tickets..1 for me and the other for my gf...then with tickets in hand...if I don't go for the autograph session..it'll be wasted...
(for friends who don't know me well enough...keke...i'm a number one fan of 周華健...since quite young...lol...that's why I picked up guitar..but I not as pro as him lah..)
seems like i never fail to attend his autograph sessions one...coz is like a mini-concert liao...he'll pick up his trademark guitar and play songs that we wanna listen...today is no exception...played those familar songs that majority heard before...like 朋友,爱相随,花心,有没有一首歌会让你想起我,etc..shiok!!
after singing...came the autograph session...i personally like his autograph session comparing to my other idols' (S.H.E and 梁静茹)...coz his fans usually from all walks of life...plus...i think most are old people...so seldom will attend this kind of things...haha..
this means got more time on stage to chat with him..rather than sign and go..he said i looked like a rich kid....@@
anyway..below are the pics from the autograph session..