Sunday, December 30, 2007

Back from Liang Jing Ru's Concert!!

Yup...just back from Liang Jing Ru's Concert....

overall...quite satisfied with the concert...just that...don't know why this concert has a bad sound system...I don't quite like the sound system cheerleaders at the start of the concert...a bit extra leh...they don't look like dancing when they are supposed to...a bit out of the place...

second....I find the props a bit...erm...don't know how to describe..but I think a new stage crew is doing the controlling of the it's not very smoothly done when transition from one prop to another..

however, her voice is getting better....and her singing 'live' skills are getting better too...her singing just covers the dissatisfaction from the above 2 factors...

great concert there 梁静茹!!

lastly...thanks darling for sponsoring the tickets as my birthday pressent!! hehe...Love u dear!

Monday, December 17, 2007

My 2nd Niece..Ashley!!

ah....this post a bit slow....cos ashley's 1st month was in the midst of my didnt have time to post...


She ah...always frown wan....but still...pretty gal!!!
Her favourite past time...sleep....difficult to see
her open her eyes wan leh...
"what's going on?? I wanna sleep..."
My cousin (left) and his wife...with their baby...
Equation: Hubby + Wife + Baby = Happy Family...

on the side note...the baby looks a lot like the daddy right???? hahaha!!! sooo cute!!!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

LEGO 10182 Cafe Corner

Yeah!!! an early birthday present for me...collector's item: LEGO 10182

my parents got it for me...hmm...buying LEGO as a present make me sound like a small boy right? US and UK and Germany, etc...adults are collecting LEGO like what I do cannot say that I'm a small's just my hobby...since expensive hobby too..

anyway...this adds on to my growing town...the LEGO nowadays a bit out of place in my town...the vehicles are made slightly bigger...but then..i still managed to get a cement truck for my town..cos it looks nice...haha!!

anyway..below are the pics of the cafe corner "construction" and also the cement truck which I got for myself...

building the foundation of the cafe corner...
Ground Floor of the Cafe Corner taking and doors built..
Making of the 'HOTEL' signboard..
The ground floor is done!!
2nd storey....
Near completion...see the staircase at the corner?
Done!! 2nd storey on top of the ground floor..
Floor plan of the 3rd and final storey...
Taking shape....missing the rooftop...
The completed building!!
The Cement truck....larger than older sets..

Die...with so many new sets....I need something else....a new and bigger cupboard to store all my LEGO sets...
